Monday, December 24, 2012

WINTER continued

We are continuing our theme of WINTER
Today we spoke about ice and snow. Sometimes in the winter, it snows outside or gets icy from the cold. We froze water in gloves so we were able to touch them and see how cold ice is.

 It's fun to make a snowman out of the snow. We sang a special song about a snowman that had a carrot for a nose. We loved the song so much we asked Morah to sing it over and over again:)

A chubby little snowman had a carrot for a nose
Along came a bunny and what do you suppose?
That hungry little bunny was looking for his lunch...
And he ATE that snowman's nose. .nibble nibble. .CRUNCH.

Art was so much fun! We mixed together glue and other stuff and used our hands to 'paint' a snowman on black paper. When the white glue combination dried it had a fluffy effect, feeling just like snow. We can't wait to bring it home to show you!

Science: We did a cool science experiment: We suspended an ice cube in a glass of water. We took a piece of string, lay it across the ice and tried to pick up the ice with the string. we were not able to do this. Then we  lay the piece of string on the ice again and sprinkled a pinch of salt over the string. We counted to 10 and lifted the string. stuck ! What great expressions of wonder we saw on our adorable little faces!! 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Today we spoke about "Winter". We discussed and saw the different articles of clothing that we wear when it's cold outside. We each had a turn to take either a coat, hat, scarf , gloves, or boots from Morah Frumie's bag and try it on. 

We sang the song:
oh what do you wear in the cold in the cold, oh what do you wear in the cold?
We wear a hat x2 We wear a coat x2, We wear our boots x2, 
we wear a scarf x 2, we wear our gloves x 2
oh that's what we wear when it's cold when it's cold, oh that's what we wear when it's cold.

We then collaged gloves/mittens with different art materials (such as tissue paper, feathers, and pompoms) to hang on our winter bulletin board.

Monday, December 17, 2012


Today we reviewed circles!
In the morning we made collages on circles of green paper with foam circle shapes and glue.

 We painted with plastic cups and red paint to make circle shapes.

During circle time we made a new puppet friend "Mr Circle". His body, face , hands, legs, eyes , nose and mouth were all circle shapes!

During "music and movement" time , we used circle shaped bean bags while singing our exercise songs.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


How busy we are in school celebrating Chanukah:

  • We made menorahs out of popsicle sticks on the carpet at circle time. 
  • We light our menorah every single day of chanukah, and we make the special blessings. 
  • We practiced our numbers by counting how many candles we light each day.   We sang the song: "How many candles, How many candles, How many candles, do we light, on the menorah, on the menorah, on the (first ) chanukah night (one , one , one, one ,one,)  (one ) candle burning....etc
  • We saw different color candles and dreidels.
  • We did a science experiment to see how oil was able to burn but water was not. We put some water into a small container with a wick, but as soon as we lit the wick , the fire went out. When we lit the oil... we were amazed to see that the wick remained alight! This was really cool and we really enjoyed this.
  • We did a second oil/ water science experiment.  When we put oil and water into a container, as many times as we shook it, the oil always came back to the top...
  • We also spoke about fire safety. Fire is hot and dangerous. Only big people like Mamas, Papas, Morah's;) , etc can touch fire.
  • We painted with different color dreidels. Instead of using paintbrushes ,we used dreidels...It was so much fun.

Experimenting with water and oil. When we put a wick in water the fire went out.

When we added oil, the fire kept burning!

When we added water to a container of oil, no matter how many times we shook it, the oil kept coming to the top.

When we covered the fire with a cup, because there was no oxygen (air) , the fire went out all by itself!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

circle time songs and others...


Shalom everybody we're so glad to see you!
Shalom everybody, We're so glad that you are here!

Shalom to ________, we're so glad to see you!
Shalom to ________, we're so glad that you are here... etc etc.

Open, Shut them!

Open, shut them, open, shut them, give a little clap clap clap
Open, shut them, open, shut them, lay them in your lap lap lap
Creep them, creep them creep them creep them right up to your chin chin chin
Open wide your little mouth, but do not let them in.

We open one eye

We open one eye, We open two.
We say Modeh Ani, cause it means thank you!     x2

Don't walk in front of me

Don't walk in front of me I may not follow
Don't walk behind me , I may not lead
Just walk beside me and be my friend,
and together we will walk in the ways of Hashem...

Rainbow song

Red and orange green and blue shiny yellow and purple too
All the colors that we know
live up in the rainbow.

Shabbos songs:

Shabbos is coming:

Shabbos is coming We're so happy
We're gonna sing and shout out loud
six days a week we wait for shabbos ,
a gift from Hashem and we're so proud

So let's sing together "shabbos"
whisper together "shabbos"
Let's shout together "Shabbos"
Tell it to the world "Shabbos"

Sunday, December 2, 2012

"a peek at last week"

Chanukah is in the air! 

  • We decorated our bulletin board with beautiful dreidel art. 
  • We decorated dreidels with different color cellophane and hung them on our windows. We love seeing the different colors sparkle as the sun shines through them.  
  • We heard the (abridged form of the ;) )story of chanukah. We have special Maccabee puppets in our room that we use for circle time to help us tell the story. Boy do we love playing with the puppets!
  • We even painted our menorah this week and we can't wait to bring them home and use them! 
  • We have also been singing so many chanukah songs and reading so many chanukah books. 
  • Math - We played with dreidels and sorted big and little dreidels in to different boxes. We have also been counting and matching the eight candles to  the big menorah that we have.