Thursday, September 27, 2012

Honey Cupcakes

We hope you enjoyed eating our sweet honey cupcakes as much as we enjoyed making them:)

Jacob mixing the oil and brown sugar

Nathanel mixing the batter

Ariana mixing the batter

Ariella's turn to mix

Nathanel adding some flour 

Simona adding some more flour

Jacob adding some flour

Ariella putting in some flour

Hannah adding some more flour

Hannah mixing the flour 

Eva pouring in the honey

Ariana adding some eggs

Ethan carefully observing the mixing of the final batter

Edward helping to lay out the cupcake holders on the tray

Simona joining Edward with laying out the cupcake holders

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Morah Music

We are very lucky to have our very own music class in school every Friday morning. Morah Rivkie comes with her keyboard, musical instruments, scarves, etc, and we sing, clap and join along....


Free Art

We practiced our fine motor skills by using glue, feathers and small foam pieces and sticking them on to our papers. You can see how much concentration we needed just by our facial expressions:)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012